
Nikko Guided Tour and the fee

2009_0808_014047-055_55To experience the richness of the countryside, Nikko is the best!


Nikko in Tochigi-Prefecture is located 2 hours north of Tokyo by train and more than 600m above sea level, which is the same height as the Tokyo sky-tree.


Nikko is a part of Nikko National Park, and the “Shrines and Temples of Nikko” are registered as a World Heritage Site. In this tour, you can see the historic sacred site, in which magnificent architectures and artistic achievements are in harmony with heavily forested surroundings. Founded in the 8th century, Nikko developed into a great religious center in Eastern Japan in the medieval period. After Toshogu-shrine, the mausoleum of Tokugawa Ieyasu, was built in the 17th century, Nikko flourished for a pilgrimages. Those who visited for worship were Shoguns, Imperial envoys, feudal lords and ordinary people.

Nikko is rich in beautiful nature and Japan’s history, culture and religion.

In spring, you can see green leaves, cherry blossoms and spectacular festivals.

For example:

April 13 through 17…..Yayoi Festival

May17….Spring festival of Toshogu-shrine   Yabusame( Archery on horseback)

May18….Spring festival of Toshogu-shrine   Colorful procession of 1,000 samurai


In autumn, you can see colored leaves and festivals.

For example:

October16….Autumn festival of Toshogu-shrine   Yabusame( Archery on horseback)

October17….Autumn festival of Toshogu-shrine  Colorful procession of 1,000 samura

From late October to mid-November….. The best period to see the autumn leaves


No traveler to Japan should miss the experience of the historic sacred site, Nikko!


The guide fee and the meeting spot are shown below.

The Nikko tour starts at Tobu Nikko station or JR Nikko station. Ms.Murayama or other guide will wait for you at the exit of the station.

Nikko tour will be around 11am to around 4pm although you are supposed to depart from Tokyo much earlier as it takes about 2 hours from Tokyo to Nikko. Please note that children fifteen or under are free.

Tour guide fee is as follows;

    Number of Guests                 fee per person

                    1                                     20,000 Yen

                    2                                      11,000 Yen

                    3                                       9,000 Yen

                    4                                       8,000 Yen

                    5                                       7,000 Yen


Excluding your transportation,admission fees and lunch.

The fees for transportation ,admission and lunch for your  guide are included

in the guide fee above.


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